Hazen Area Dollars for Scholars is a local chapter that has been awarding scholarships since 1991. Since that time, Hazen Area Dollars for Scholars scholarships have increased from two at $250 each to 42 scholarships totaling $50,825 awarded in 2024 and $848,365 total to date. Hazen Area Dollars for Scholars helps hometown students achieve their educational goals by raising scholarship funds, establishing endowments, and distributing scholarships each year. Any graduating senior of Hazen High School may apply for a scholarship. These scholarships may be used at any accredited college, university, vocational or technical school. Students from all levels and abilities are encouraged to apply. Hazen Area Dollars for Scholars applications are scored anonymously by a local selection committee using the Scholarship America® standardized evaluation process, scoring guidelines and/or other criteria established by the wishes of the scholarship donor. Scoring criteria is based on a variety of qualities including work experience, school and community activities, and academic record. Applications are available at the high school and on our school website.

Hazen Area Dollars for Scholars scholarships are made possible through tax-exempt donations and fundraisers, which include our annual Phone-a-Thon, alumni mailings, newsletters, etc. The money Hazen Area Dollars for Scholars continues to raise each year goes where it belongs - right to the students. With your help, we proudly continue to help our students succeed - one dollar at a time!

For more information on the Hazen Area Dollars for Scholars program, contributing towards a scholarship for youth or how to join this outstanding scholarship organization please contact:

Hazen Area Dollars for Scholars
PO Box 13
Hazen, ND 58545
